30 Eylül 2012 Pazar

Book review-"Elizabeth the Queen-The Life of a Modern Monarch" by Sally Bedell Smith

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I was skeptical when I picked up this book from the shelves of "new" books in the local library.

I love to peruse the shelves of recently obtained books. For there is where the surprises are. If there is a new book of the "true crime" genre, I'll find it on the shelf of new books as all those normally shelved under this genre I have already read.

I've a fondness for biographies as well but like everyone else I must suppose, I'm only interested in reading about famous folks that I knew or knew "of".

For sure I knew of the Queen of England. And just as for sure I'm an American and don't much understand such as royalty. After reading this book I am more confused by the concept of royalty, all the names and terms, the relationships, how it all came to be and why any nation of free peoples would keep a monarchy to "rule" over them.

At which point I hasten to insert two points here. First, the author did a very good job with the writing and background. She'd obviously been fed a lot of royal talking points by those inside the castles, more on this later. But her backgrounds, both political and geographic, were perfectly described.

Second, I do understand that Britain's royal family is as much of a tourist attraction as anything. This is likely why the British merrily choose to keep their monarchs when us Tea Party types are fighting back against politicians who think they're royalty.

Queen Elizabeth II is an amazing woman. I doubt there will be anyone like her in our futures.

Here's a woman born into a lifestyle that would define her, that would decide her future, all with no input from her beyond the accident of her birth.

Which is not such a bad deal, I know yon reader might shout. Consider Princess Diana.

Goodness if anybody had everything to include looks and money it surely was Princess Di. Now I know Diana played second fiddle to Camellia as Prince Charles' love. Any of us foolish Americans could figure out what was up. Now, with benefit of hindsight and may I point out that Charles is now wed to Camellia, we're pretty sure that Charles needed heirs and Camellia was already wed to another.

No this sort of speculation is not in the book.

This book's author was given details, so obvious during the read, by palace insiders who were passing out royal talking points.

For every distressful event or era during Elizabeth's reign so far was handled kindly. There was no flinching on the broader details, to be sure.

But do not think that this book is a juicy insider the palace walls type of narrative. The anguish of Diana is handled smartly but without that snark that child-woman so deserved.

Fergie too was dealt an even and gentle hand by the palace spokespeople who airbrushed her antics then gave the book's authors the cleaned up details.

The author did get in a few interesting details of what goes on behind palace walls from other published accounts by those not beholden to the queen for subject matter.

All in all it is an even-handed account of Queen Elizabeth through her years. The reader learns of Elizabeth and Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush, various Americans from the closest we have to an "upper class".

Two things most intrigued me that I learned from this book about British royalty. First, they just make up titles should any sudden need require.

So, for a good example, Princess Diana needed a name after her divorce from Charles. Boom, Queen Elizabeth, with help from the royal flackies, comes up with a name.

Seems everybody needs some sort of "title" once they enter the royal realm. Silly me, I thought those titles were mandated by some kind of fiat somewhere, that titles and lineages were carried down from history.

Nope. They all sit in a room and make up "titles". How cool is that?

Finally, I learned what an equerry is. Goodness, Queen Elizabeth is served by all manner of folks, to include ladies-in-waiting, manservants, the "dresser", her secretary of protocol….on and on. An equerry is referred to often in this book so finally I looked it up.

An equerry is an aide, of sorts, on all things horses.

Oh yes, Queen Elizabeth loves horses and corgis.

Kind of cute actually.

Amazon link to this book.

Obama/Romney Debates Coming Up. What to Watch For. More National Politics.

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Soon it will be one month from the presidential elections. Below, a detailed list of the debates coming up in October, as scheduled. Follows each date are my notes. Warning, at times I get snarky..

October 3, 2012

Topic: Domestic policy
Air Time: 9:00-10:30 p.m. Eastern Time
Location: University of Denver in Denver, Colorado (Tickets)
Sponsor: Commission on Presidential Debates
Participants: President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney
Moderator: Jim Lehrer (Host of NewsHour on PBS)

The debate will focus on domestic policy and be divided into six time segments of approximately 15 minutes each on topics to be selected by the moderator and announced several weeks before the debate.

The moderator will open each segment with a question, after which each candidate will have two minutes to respond. The moderator will use the balance of the time in the segment for a discussion of the topic.

I don't even know what the hell domestic policy is. Does this mean how we shall control crime? Is this about our social infrastructure? Jim Lehrer?

October 11, 2012
Vice Presidential

Topic: Foreign and domestic policy
Air Time: 9:00-10:30 p.m. Eastern Time
Location: Centre College in Danville, Kentucky (Tickets)
Sponsor: Commission on Presidential Debates
Participants: Vice President Joe Biden and Congressman Paul Ryan
Moderator: Martha Raddatz (ABC News Chief Foreign Correspondent)
The debate will cover both foreign and domestic topics and be divided into nine time segments of approximately 10 minutes each. The moderator will ask an opening question, after which each candidate will have two minutes to respond. The moderator will use the balance of the time in the segment for a discussion of the question.
Oh my goodness this one is a foreign AND domestic policy. And I still don't know what domestic policy consists of. But hey, it's Biden against Paul Ryan. The jokes write themselves.

Who the hell is Martha Raddatz?

October 16, 2012

Topic: Town meeting format including foreign and domestic policy
Air Time: 9:00-10:30 p.m. Eastern Time
Location: Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York (Tickets)
Sponsor: Commission on Presidential Debates
Participants: President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney
Moderator: Candy Crowley (CNN Chief Political Correspondent)
The second presidential debate will take the form of a town meeting, in which citizens will ask questions of the candidates on foreign and domestic issues. Candidates each will have two minutes to respond, and an additional minute for the moderator to facilitate a discussion. The town meeting participants will be undecided voters selected by the Gallup Organization.
Okay, now we're back to foreign and domestic policy.

I sure hope the moderator, Candy Crowley of CNN, pounds on ole Barry about his relationship with Israel.

I predict that Mittens will make mincemeat out of Obamer.

Candy Crowley, she tries but she's another Lamestream loser-burger.

October 22, 2012

Topic: Foreign policy
Air Time: 9:00-10:30 p.m. Eastern Time
Location: Lynn University in Boca Raton, Florida (Tickets)
Sponsor: Commission on Presidential Debates
Participants: President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney
Moderator: Bob Schieffer (Host of Face the Nation on CBS)
The format for the debate will be identical to the first presidential debate and will focus on foreign policy.
Sheesh, Bob Schieffer, a dim bulb loser burger, what they can't any moderators with some credibility?

At any rate, the topic is foreign policy. Mittens will wrap up the debates the clear winner with this final presidential debate



Have you noticed, your Social Security check is now referred
to as a "Federal Benefit Payment"?

The government is now referring to our Social Security checks as a
“Federal Benefit Payment.” This isn’t a benefit – its earned income!
Not only did we all contribute to Social Security but our employers did too.

It totaled 15% of our income before taxes. If you averaged $30K per
year over your working life, that's close to $180,000 invested in Social Security.

If you calculate the future value of your monthly investment in social security $375/month, including both your and your employer’s contributions) at a meager 1% interest rate compounded monthly, after 40 years of working you'd have more than $1.3+ million dollars saved! This is your personal investment.

Upon retirement, if you took out only 3% per year, you'd receive $39,318 per year, or $3,277 per month.

That’s almost three times more than today’s average Social Security benefit of
$1,230 per month, according to the Social Security Administration (Google it - it’s a fact).

And your retirement fund would last more than 33 years (until you're 98 if you retire at age 65)! I can only imagine how much better most average-income people could live in retirement if our government had just invested our money in
low-risk interest-earning accounts.

Instead, the folks in Washington pulled off a bigger Ponzi scheme than Bernie Madoff ever did. They took our money and used it elsewhere. They “forgot” that
it was OUR money they were taking. They didn’t have a referendum to ask us if we wanted to lend the money to them.

And they didn’t pay interest on the debt they assumed. And recently, they’ve told us that the money won’t support us for very much longer. But is it our fault they misused our investments?

And now, to add insult to injury, they’re calling it a “benefit,” as if we never worked to earn every penny of it. Just because they “borrowed” the money, doesn't mean that our investments were a charity! Let’s take a stand.

We have earned our right to Social Security and Medicare. Demand that our legislators bring some sense into our government –

Find a way to keep Social Security and Medicare going, for the sake of that
92% of our population who need it.

Here’s a novel idea: Reduce the military budget to support our own population. Get out of the countries who don’t want us there. Bring our soldiers home and
invest some of the $700B+ in giving them new careers building roads and parks, teaching our children, creating new technologies, discovering cures for

Then take the rest and begin to pay back Social Security, and call it what it is:
Our Earned Retirement Income.

Ending With a Smile

Judging by the First Episode of Survivor 2012-We've Got a Winner

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There's a big surprise on Survivor Philippines in this year of our Lord, 2012.

Her name is Lisa Whelchel. She was once a child star on a long-running series beloved by my daughter, "Facts of Life."

Now this is a widely known fact, of course. But it is being kept a secret from Lisa's co-contenders. The older contenders, of course, remember Lisa from her days as a child star.

Also, Survivor has brought back a few former Survivor contenders. They are Jonathan, Russell, and Michael. All of these former contenders were taken away from their Survivor game due to health issues, both accidental and medical.

The series begins with three tribes: Matsing, Tandang and Kalabaw. The contenders are allegedly in the Philippines and life has not been kind to so many. Lack of fire is a big problem so far this season.

There's been a couple of eliminations so far, none of any import. The bigger elimination battles will soon be coming.

Till now, contender Zane asked to be eliminated cause the constant rain drove him crazy. Or something. Contender Roxy got eliminated in an elimination with co-contender, young Angie. Roxie was a nasty somebody while Angie is...eh, a dingbat.

The tribe, I must suppose, chose to get rid of the battleaxe then would deal with the light-headed.

When asked what she would do to make relationships within the Matsing tribe better, Angie responded "Maybe a cookie?".

Well I don't know what that meant either but it sure sounded silly. I'll be kind and suggest the child was offering that a happy thing, such as a cookie, would make grouchy rain-soaked co-tribe-members happier, thus more affable.

Already story lines are revolving around Lisa Whelchel and the returning former Survivor contenders.

Returnees from a different series are often distrusted and targeted as a source for eliminations/evictions. This goes on across the spectrum of elimination type reality shows.

But the new contenders will keep the experienced contenders around enough to learn new tricks and/or form alliances with them for their inside knowledge.

Lisa's "script" involved her abandonment as a child actress as she languished in lonely boarding schools. So too did her co-tribe members shun her, the co-contender they see as too old for the rigor of the show, a liability, a puzzle whose past they do not know.

Only Lisa proves to be a valuable team member during one night's elimination challenge and the angel's sang and the tears flowed for the joy of it. And when her team discovers Lisa's former fame there will be cheers in Mudville as a former lonely child star steps up to receive plaudits as a most cherished member of the team.

Well hey, the script wrote itself. I'm just summarizing.

Okay, tongue now out of cheek I must assert that it will all come together, that the mix of contenders on the Survivor Philippines series promises an interesting and intriguing run.

We'll be remarking on the various episodes as required so come back to this Blog to find out what's happening on Survivor, served up with some snark and sarcasm and maybe some gentle humor.

Survivor Airs Wednesday Nights, CBS, at 8pm

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Project Runway 2012-One Drama Queen Heads Home; Another Returns With More Boo Hoos

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Goodness Project Runway this past week (9/20/12) was a family affair here in the Fish household.

Granddaughter, all of 8 years old and fashion critic extraordinaire, was here for a visit as was fashionless daughter. I had PR taped and so we all watched it.

But first, let's discuss the week before and how that awful Gunnar finally got sent home.

The fashion challenge was a simple affair, design a happening dress by designing your own fabric.

Ven took some fire for his design, which was described as suitable for a Hawaiian airline hostess.

At any rate, Gunnar went home and the show is all the better for missing his ugly sneer.

This past week as of this writing the designers were charged with designing a new outfit for nothing less than the NY Rockettes.

Daughter, granddaughter and I all had a lot to say about all the submitted designs. Granddaughter, for all her 8-year old fashion sense, totally failed to pick the winning design. In fact, she hated it.

Indeed Christopher's dancing outfit was an item of genius. Christopher cut out a New York skyline and made this the top of his outfit.

I think granddaughter Kaitlyn missed its genius because she did not understand what the design was. I don't think granddaughter ever heard of the Rockettes frankly, and so she complained that Christopher's dress didn't flounce like a dance outfit should, that it was not colorful enough.

Kaitlyn was smart enough to declare Elena's design submission a big mess and, indeed, Elena almost got sent home for that horrible design.

The fashion design contender who was finally sent home broke my heart.


They sent home Ven!

He was who I predicted would win this thing!

I don't think Ven's Rockette design was so bad. The judges complained it was too tame, it lacked originality.

So okay, perhaps.

But it would have worked as a dance outfit, if not the most colorful on the planet.

It didn't deserve an elimination I assert.

And so it goes. The judges don't listen to me.

For now, Christopher is the Project Runway 2012 design contender to watch.

Below all posts on this Blog on this subject.

Project Runway 2012 Begins. Some Kooky, Some With Leopard Hair. Already a Predicted Winner; Guest Michelle Deals With Beloved Dog

Project Runway 2012-Ven's Got This Thing Wrapped Up Even So Early As This

Project Runway 2012-Taking a Up Close Look At the Contenders Now That the Dust Has Settled

Project Runway 2012-Who's "Liked", Who's Not, Designer Critiques With Some Snark

Project Runway airs on Lifetime on Thursdays at 9pm.

Click here to go to this Blog's main menu and see what other TV series we're covering.

Pat Fish's Blog

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Project Runway 2012-One Drama Queen Heads Home; Another Returns With More Boo Hoos

Judging by the First Episode of Survivor 2012-We've Got a Winner

Book review-"Elizabeth the Queen-The Life of a Modern Monarch" by Sally Bedell Smith

Obama/Romney Debates Coming Up. What to Watch For. More National Politics.

The Voice 2012 Begins: It's Not DUETS, It's Not American Idol, It's Not X Factor. It's THE VOICE. But is it any good?


Pic of the Week Compilation September 2012

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Big Brother 2012: We Discuss the Winner, Muse on Future Contenders, and While At It We Ponder the Universe.


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X Factor 2012-A First Look. Britney Spears As a Judge? Let's Discuss.

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Project Runway 2012-Who's "Liked", Who's Not, Designer Critiques With Some Snark

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Project Runway 2012-Taking a Up Close Look At the Contenders Now That the Dust Has Settled

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Project Runway 2012-Ven's Got This Thing Wrapped Up Even So Early As This

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