"Deadly Little Secrets" by Kathryn Casey. An Evil Minister Kills Wife & Possibly Child-A Story That Shocks With Each Page Turn.
This book is a little over 400 pages long.
And to be honest, at around the 200 page mark I got a bit antsy.
Yon readers, should yon readers take mine advice and read this book, do not allow what is a rather long and detailed story to stop the read.

For the story of Matthew Baker is most extraordinary.
Baker was a minister although his work record was shoddy and suspect. Further, he had a real problem with the ladies, tales of hands going where they shouldn't, confrontations that scared and threatened, kisses given without permission, followed Matt everywhere.
His wife, Kari, and mother to his two living daughters, Grace and Kensi, and a deceased daughter, Kassidey, had entirely too much faith in her husband.
Oh she suspected he was having an affair with the music minister's daughter. Kari also suspected that Matt was out to kill her. Kari didn't know where to turn, she thought she was imagining things, she wanted desperately to believe that her husband loved her, would not hurt her, that he didn't kill their daughter, Kassidy.
One day, with much pre-planning, Matt heavily drugged Kari with pilfered drugs and smothered her with a pillow.
This story about the pain Kari's friends and families suffered as they slowly began to suspect Matt, takes some time to tell.
Kari's alleged suicide was handled horribly by the local police department. It's worth the read to see how easily investigative mistakes can keep justice away. And it isn't just the mistakes; it's the refusal to own up to them.
If the reader isn't angry enough by mid-book, details of Matt's awful behavior make the teeth gnash.
Jill's husband, Stephen, was there as well, and he and Matt began talking about seafood, Matt complaining that Kari had never let them eat it, and prodding Kensi to complain as well. Yet what Jill remembered was that Matt ordered hamburgers when they went to seafood restaurants. "It was like, Kari was so domineering she had a no-fish rule," says Jill. "It was weird. Kari was dead, and Matt was blaming her for everything."Jill and Stephen, in the quote above, were friends of Kari and Matt. This anecdote is just one of many instances when Matt bad-mouthed his dead wife, the wife that HE murdered.
Kari's death does eventually get thoroughly investigated. Matthew eventually does stand trial for her murder.
But it doesn't end there.
Because Matt's brand of evil was sown somewhere and it would turn out to have been during his own childhood.

If Jim and Linda Dulin, Kari's parents- didn't suffer enough by losing their daughter through the hand of their son-in-law, they had to fight with their limited resources to wrest their granddaughters, Kari's daughters, away from their evil paternal grandparents, out of the home where the evil started and flourished.
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