13 Ekim 2012 Cumartesi

Did Biden blame Hillary for Benghazi?

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Mickey Kaus thinks so.
Will Hillary now retaliate and protect herself by leaking word that the White House did too know? Will her husband continue to tour the country trying to pull Obama’s bacon out of the fire (as he did at the convention) even as Obama points a finger at his wife? Will they all cut some sort of deal in which Hillary agrees to take the fall and Bill soldiers on … in exchange for, what? Have they already cut a deal?  Is the White House going to try to hang its hat on the idea that Obama and Biden didn’t know, but maybe their staffs knew? Will that really fly? Aren’t they responsible for their staffs? Will the staffs fight back?
That's a lot of internal intrigue to keep under control until the election. What an October surprise!

They October-surprised themselves. 

"Orally urinating turtle boffin in nominative-determinism classic case/Shit Fun Chew probes mouth-excreting chelonian."

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Actual headline — not a joke — about actual scientific research.

What's nominative-determinism?, you may ask. Possibly not your first question, but you may get to it. You might have asked, before that, what Google alert does Althouse maintain that gets her there? (Answer: "boffin"!) Anyway:
The theory of nominative determinism suggests that a person’s name can help form their choices in life, influencing the character they develop or profession they adopt.
Examples: "Poet William Wordsworth, caricaturist and Disney animator Mr T Hee, and sprinter Usain Bolt..."

Which reminds me, chez Meadhouse, we're supporting the Detroit Tigers in the ALCS, because of Prince Fielder, whom we like not because of nominative determinism, but because he's an ex-Brewer.

"Obama, weaving around life’s potential barriers smoothly and largely alone, came to regard himself as not only lucky..."

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"... but destined, a sensibility that could lead to overconfidence, if not hubris," writes David Maraniss, analyzing the cause and extent of Obama's problem debating Romney. Maraniss — who wrote a book about Obama — sees Obama as a man of contradictions, who "chose politics as his profession while harboring ambivalence about it."
He has played by the conventional rules yet at times betrays a disdain for the game, whether mocking the notion of sound bites or chastising the media for being slaves to a 24-hour news cycle while he thinks in the long term. 
This is in contrast to Bill Clinton, who "could immerse himself in the moment and excel at transactional politics."
Obama is more the participant-observer, self-consciously taking note of the surreal aspects of what he is doing. Clinton’s antennae were tuned to his surroundings; Obama’s are tuned to his interior being. Clinton, a brilliantly authentic phony, could assume any role the circumstances required. Obama yearns to play roles he admires. In the first debate, he was the constitutional law professor, listening, giving ground, offering complex caveats, soberly taking notes. None of that helped him.
Maybe a lawprof is not what you want in a politician. And yet, Bill Clinton was a lawprof. So was Hillary Clinton. And there are different types of lawprofs. They don't all listen, give ground, and offer complex caveats! Here's an old blog post of mine about how different Bill and Hillary were as law professors, with these quotes from Carl Bernstein's book about Hillary):

Hillary's style was confident, aggressive, take-charge, and much more structured than Bill's. "All business," a colleague said. Her questions to students were tough and demanding. Bill almost never put his students on the spot; rather, he maintained an easy dialogue with them. His conversational approach often gave students the run of the class, and he let them filibuster.

"If you were unprepared, she would rip you pretty good, but not in an unfair way," recalled Woody Bassett, who became good friends of both, and worked in many Clinton political campaigns. "She made you think. She challenged you. If she asked you a question about a case and you gave an answer, well then — here comes another question. Whereas in Bill Clinton's classes, it was much more laid-back." In class Hillary never mentioned her work on the impeachment inquiry."...

Bill was far more open about discussing political issues with his students, whether Nixon's impeachment or Roe v. Wade, on which he spent several weeks. The subject of his constitutional law course more naturally lent itself to political questions than Hillary's.
She taught — would you guess? — criminal law, criminal procedure, and trial advocacy.
He was regarded as the easiest grader in the law school. Hillary's exams were tough, and her grading commensurate with what she expected law students to know. There was little doubt that she was the better teacher, possessed with "unusual ability to absorb a huge amount of facts and boil them down to the bottom line," Bassett thought. Clinton was more likely to go at a subject in a circular way, looking at it from every angle and sometimes never coming to a conclusion. But usually his was the more interesting class, because of the passion and knowledge with which he addressed legal questions related to everyday events.
Neither of them seemed to be the Maraniss's lawprof stereotype: "listening, giving ground, offering complex caveats, soberly taking notes."

"Two men who say they’re Berkeley, Calif., law school students have been arrested after police say they killed and decapitated an exotic bird..."

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"... that was part of a Las Vegas resort attraction."
... Police say the two men were seen Friday laughing and throwing around the body of a dead, 14-year-old helmeted guineafowl at the Flamingo resort-casino. The large bird was part of the Flamingo’s Wildlife Habitat, a garden area with ponds and streams that houses many types of birds.
Really? These were Berkeley law students? Quite aside from the evil of animal cruelty, this is unfathomably stupid career suicide.

"Anything as perfect and simple-sounding as this motto is always in danger of becoming a cliché..."

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"...  but there’s nothing like putting it in the mouths of politicians to speed up that process."

What's the point of a catchphrase? You want it to catch on and then you want to control it? Speech doesn't work like that. Words have a life of their own. Phrases are born, have their narrative arcs, and sometimes they die — that is, they come to be regarded as clichés, and then no one wants to use them anymore.

The dispute at the link is over the Mitt Romney's use of “Clear eyes, full hearts, can’t lose" from the TV show “Friday Night Lights.”

Hey, remember when Walter Mondale appropriated "Where's the beef?" from the Wendy's commercial? Where was the outrage?

12 Ekim 2012 Cuma

It's Leading Up to Fashion Week on Project Runway 2012. Will Christopher Take the Crown?

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Oh my goodness how did we get this far into the season without a so-called "avant-garde" look?

Every fashion show features such an episode on some level or another.

I consider avant-garde to mean "wild and way out stuff you only see on a runway".

Now I know fashion mavens would tell you that the fashion-design world NEEDS avant-garde, that the genre inspires future outfits, that it’s the infusion of fresh ideas and looks that keeps the industry vibrant and dynamic.


The series now has four left after the avant garde elimination of Sonjia, a good designer who deserves to still be in the competition while Fabio should be hot-footing it outta there.

Below is Fabio's horrible avant garde design. The hoot and holler of this outfit is that the top of this outfit can be turned around and worn another way.

So okay, that's clever.

But look at it! It's an ugly thing even a witch wouldn't wear!

Below is Sonjia's avant garde outfit. Heidi loved it but the other judges not so much. The concept is to make the model appear to be wearing bits and pieces of the outfit at the top with a mermaid type skirt bottom.

Well hey, it's avant garde all right. I think it's very original and in perfect sync with the fashion challenged as thrown down.

But they sent cute Sonjia home, they said she was "out".

Dmitri's been fairly steady all along and he's got a chance to win this thing. Below Dmitri's contribution to the avant garde challenge and by me it looks fairly average save that big collar. Which does, I suppose, give the suit-type of outfit a fashion edge. Dmitri deserves to go on to fashion week but I think Christopher will beat him out.

As for Christopher, he's the winner of this Project Runway 2012 as I see it.

Christopher was lambasted by the judges for his avant garde fashion entry, below.

I think it's definitely got a Gothic type of look to it. The arm feathers are very different and add a flair to the outfit. Christopher felt that by making the dresses' hip area large also made it look avant garde. The judges, however, mocked it as excessive. This confuses me because avant garde...come on, it's supposed to be weird.

Christopher didn't get sent home and I consider him hands down a shoo in to win this thing. His designs have been steady and many were winners.

Finally there's Melissa's design. Heidi hated it. The rest of the judges loved it.

I don't much like it but it IS about as avante garde as all the submitted designs. Melissa too deserves to go on to fashion week. She is, by my prognostication, the most vulnerable to elimination as Melissa hasn't been winning all that many fashion challenges. I'd rather see Melissa over that awful Fabio but the judges don't listen to me.

Come back and join us for more commentary, snark and summation of the fashion week soon to cull the good from the bad from the ugly.
Below all posts on this Blog on this subject.

Project Runway 2012 Begins. Some Kooky, Some With Leopard Hair. Already a Predicted Winner; Guest Michelle Deals With Beloved Dog

Project Runway 2012-Ven's Got This Thing Wrapped Up Even So Early As This

Project Runway 2012-Taking a Up Close Look At the Contenders Now That the Dust Has Settled

Project Runway 2012-Who's "Liked", Who's Not, Designer Critiques With Some Snark

Project Runway airs on Lifetime on Thursdays at 9pm.

Click here to go to this Blog's main menu and see what other TV series we're covering.

A Look Back at the Gardens of Serendipity Shore-2012

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Candidate for Safe Worker of the Year

Okay, so let's talk moles.

Of course I've had moles before. Once I drained my already defective well dry by running the hose in losing attempts to flood out the moles then tearing apart my gardens.

That time it was in my other home. Throughout my ten years in Delaware, well I've had moles on a couple of occasions. Only problem is I didn't know it.

One year my entire honeysuckle bloom failed to fill the air with the aroma of heaven. I noted the honeysuckle, a vine that normally blooms with vigor and delivers spring directly to my nose, was void of its leaves and, of course, its smell.

I was working for the Delaware Nature Society at the time and I even asked a buddy in this organization what the hell could be wrong with my honeysuckle. He said I should check to see if maybe it's an annual and it is intended for the vine to wither once its bloom is done. Only problem is it never bloomed. I didn't know it at the time but the moles had so nibbled and destroyed the honeysuckle's roots that it didn't bloom at all that year.

Oh yes, moles make ugly burrows all around lawns that looks as if someone had taken an egg beater and swirled it all around the land to fill it with mounds and holes while killing the grass.

Moles also love to chew on the roots of mature bushes and trees and this years the moles really did me dirty.

It was the moles what ate my honeysuckle that year of no bloom. It's also the moles who almost destroyed my azaleas and hedge roses.

The front porch garden too had moles running amok
Yes moles gnaw on the roots of certain vegetation that are used by insect larva on which to feed. A plant chewed by the roots by merciless ravaging moles often does not totally die from their invasion. The honeysuckle of my tale are still alive and they will bloom fantastic those years when I get the moles under control.

Indeed if I can stop the moles from their underground root destruction the hedge roses and azaleas might recover.

Moles will also eat annuals and ground cover in their route to the bugs. They will avoid some plantings but if there's a larvae across the way the moles will destroy all root matter in its way to get to it.

Look at that cactus plant growing in the swamps!
Getting rid of moles is possible though most folks who get them say it's impossible to get rid of moles.

Way I figgered, I'm over 200 pounds and a mole weighs maybe what? 2, 3 pounds? I got the advantage here even not taking into account my superior brain.

This year I didn't have A mole. I had moleS. There were many moles in my small plot of earth on this planet this past spring.

Of course I didn't realize how bad it was until the lawn mower practically sunk to China as it tried to MOWMENTUM its way through the grass. Then I saw the swirls as if aliens from above descended to the earth with giant mixers and mixed the soil to a perfect checker cake work of art.

The container garden
Both back and front yards were huge mole runs all connected as they meandered all around to where the infant bugs tried to live to hatch.

Yes I put juicy fruit down in the run. First, I didn't know you had to chew it first. Second, when I started chewing it and shoved it down the hole the dog managed to root out the gum so I had to reconnoiter, as it were.

Over the course of the summer I tried the gum and I tried poison mole pellets sold in a catalogue.

I do believe I somehow culled down my eco-system's mole population by simply making life very unpleasant. In due course the mole runs became fewer and fewer.

Front porch and dog
One thing I found that ALWAYS works with moles…..every chance you get go walking over and stomping down their mole runs. More than anything this will drive them over to that nasty neighbor 's yard to escape your big feet and their disturbance.

After only a week or so of this relentless destruction of the runs they dig, soon they'll go away, probably cursing you out and all of your descendants.

Ah but they'll come back!

Got to walk the lot every day, got to stomp down their runs. Best way to spot a fresh mole run, the soil on top is cracked open as if a tiny earthquake opened up the top of the ground. Press it down soon as you see it, walk on it, STOMP on it.

The moles will curse you out but he or she will leave for your torment.

Boot Camp Begins on X Factor 2012. Some Predictions and Some Snark.

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According to the Baltimore Sun TV writer, X Factor's not all that hot so far as the ratings can measure.

In fact, her column, and a whole lot of other TV type reviewers seem to think that the competitive singing reality show might have reached its nadir.

Of course this sort of speculation has been made for ages yet every year yet another talent contest is introduced and the existing ones grow in popularity.

This past year we had "Duets", a singing competition with yet another angle involving sharing the stage with established artists.

"America's Got Talent" is a talent show that has grown almost geometrically since its early beginnings. "The Voice" has this year clobbered "X Factor" by going head-to-head and by beginning with a plethora of episodes that will be hard for the viewers to miss.

Which is not to say that Simon Cowell's new invention is doing lackluster. But X Factor's not another "American Idol", don't tell Simon Cowell.

As of this writing X Factor is culled down to 60 contenders. The pattern on X Factor is for 120 contenders to be chosen from the crowds of the destinations.

X Factor begins with the same sort of cheering crowd scenes from the many destinations, scenes seen at the beginning of American Idol or America's Got Talent. 120 contenders are chosen from the crowds over a period of a couple of weeks. The early shows are designed to draw in the viewers so that when those chosen are down to a more easy to handle few and the viewers begin to pick and follow their favorites.

This year there's a formidable amount of talent now fighting for a chance to go to the judge's homes.

Yeah, the thing about the judges' homes is a bit odd but I've been told Simon Cowell likes it that way.

The judges, for their part, are assigned a specific sub-genre, like "young girl singers" or "groups". The judges then coach, mold and configure their charges for their on-stage competition and presentation to America.

I've seen some very interesting contenders but obviously, for now, honing in on possible winners is a bit difficult.

Keep coming back to this Blog because in due course we'll be watching carefully, predicting as expected and, of course, peppering the discourse with a little bit of snark.

Below all posts on this Blog on this subject.

X Factor 2012-A First Look. Britney Spears As a Judge? Let's Discuss.

X Factor airs on Weds and Thurs Fox 8pm/7c

Click here to go to this Blog's main menu and see what other TV series we're covering.

 Posted by Hello

Drivel: The Day After

I have survived the ordeal. Actually, it wasn't that bad. It's a
toss-up whether I most hated the no-food prep day, or the insertion of the IV...

The morning before, I was allowed a light breakfast and the prep sheet recommended cereal, toast and juice. I had Cheerios and a Starbucks bottle of Frappuccino. That was my compromise because my usual morning caffeine is in the form of Diet Dr. Pepper, but on this day I was not allowed anything with red or purple dyes. Since I don't know what's in the soda, safer not to drink it. I did *not* want to have to re-do this just because I had soda.

Only a light liquid lunch was allowed; I had chicken broth and orange Jell-o. At 2pm I started drinking that 3 or 4 liter container of stuff designed to clean me out. I think there's a reason that thing doesn't tell you what size it is, but it's bigger than a two-liter Diet Dr. Pepper. The goal is 8 ounces of the stuff every 10 to 15 minutes. They say about an hour after you start it will begin working, and not to be too far from a bathroom. Harry set the timer on my phone and every ten minutes I guzzled a "squat" glass of the stuff.

An hour went by and nothing. Two hours went by and nothing... but I began to wonder where it all was going. I felt bloated and full. At two and a half hours, drink number 12, I think, the stuff finally
kicked in.

The first thing she did was dump IV fluid all over me and the bed.

I began to get a headache, no doubt from lack of caffeine. I readily admit I'm addicted.

Drinks 13 through 16 were done between runs to the bathroom, no pun intended. Drink 18 finished off the container, but not the trips to the bathroom. Eventually, though, things calmed down. I felt empty and famished.

Harry and I arrived at the hospital around 6am. The procedure was scheduled to start at 7:30. I signed in, answered questions, filled out a form, got a cool blue wristband, and we sat around in the lobby
and waited. Finally a nurse came and escorted us upstairs. There were two other sets of folks in our group; an elderly man and woman, coming for something heart-ish, and two women, one of whom was having the same thing I was. I think.

For the day of, a good friend gave me this advice: "I suggest in the interest of self protection, you declare your own wuss status, and scream bloody murder if need be! I think that sets a much better
precedent for later happenings." Of course I promptly forgot it in the rush of the hospital staff getting me ready.

Upstairs, we waited some more. I think I was taken back into the depths of the hospital at around 7:15. It seemed kind of late to me and I remember I didn't kiss Harry goodbye.

In the room, I was given a hospital gown which I couldn't tie, then walked to a bed in the middle of a wide-open area. There was a TV screen next to the bed. A fleet of nurses attacked me: one had me read and sign a paper; one put oxygen nipples in my nose; one attached electrodes to monitor my heart; one attached a blood pressure cuff; and one came at me with an IV needle.

The first thing she did was dump IV fluid all over me and the bed. "Oh, spilled," she said and continued to work.

"A new one?" I asked. "Shouldn't we worry about sterility if it was already open?"

She looked at me like I was a Martian, but after a moment said, "I can get you a new one if you prefer."

"I prefer." I said, and "Thanks."

When she returned with an IV that didn't drip until told to, she attempted to find a good vein in the back of my right hand. I think she was digging for gold in there, because it HURT and just when I
thought she was done, she dug in further. While I had forgotten I was supposed to declare my wuss status, my emotions did it for me. With the third or fourth jab in the back of my hand, I started to cry,
silent tears rolling down my face with each jerk of the needle. IT HURT! No doubt this was her revenge for making her get a new IV.

When one nurse noticed the tears and gently wiped them away with a tissue, the one with the needle moved to my right forearm. The jabbing didn't hurt quite as much there, but she had no better luck.
Horrified, I heard one say "It's bubbling up, there." I didn't dare look. They abandoned their efforts on the right arm and a different nurse had to convince me to allow them to dig into the back of my left
hand. They can't use the big elbow vein (and I have nice ones) because of the bending of the arm when you roll over. Grudgingly I gave permission and she managed to get in with the first try.

I still didn't trust that it was working until they gave me Demerol through that IV and I soon felt dizzy. "Dizzy." I remember telling one of them. "Is that the Demerol?" They told me yes and I was okay, knowing the IV was in place and working as designed. They asked me to roll over on my left side and I found myself facing the TV. "Oh, I get to watch," I said. Then a nurse took my glasses away. "I guess I don't get to watch," I said.

The rest is a blur. I think I remember whimpering and saying "wait" when they hit the bends in my colon, but it's a faded almost memory that doesn't bother me. The next real memory I have is Harry being brought into recovery and my dozing off, waking up, dozing off, wishing I could stay awake because I knew until I could I wouldn't be released.

After release, all I wanted to do was sleep so while I've heard people say the stopped for food on the way home from a colonoscopy, I wasn't one of those people. I slept for about four hours after arrival at home.

Once up, Harry made me some soup that wasn't just broth, I called some folks to let them know I was alive, and watched some TV. A couple of hours later, I was done again and napped a second time. A little more TV in the evening and I called it an early night.

Today, I'm okay. My morning soda finally got rid of the headache I'd had throughout (except when I was on Demerol).

They removed one polyp and I go back in two weeks to see what the doctor has to say. Likely I'll have to do this again in five years instead of ten.

The only casualty? The back of my right hand which is horribly swollen and starting to turn blue. And it still hurts. :-( The paperwork says to call if it's still bad after 48 hours, and I do think it's a
bit better than it was last night.

Overall, while I don't recommend it as a hobby, it wasn't as bad as some things I've gone through.

The Desk Drawer writer's exercise

The Voice 2012 Teams Formed and Competing. Let's Take a Look and Predict.

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I wrote about the X Factor yesterday and I then noted that The Voice has been beating X Factor in the ratings.

Which is a bit of a surprise in that The Voice, in my estimation, has not been promoted or hyped anywhere near the league of X Factor. Simon Cowell had a vaunted history with his American Idol background and Fox's enthusiastic endorsement of his new endeavor.

Whereas The Voice features four moderately well-known singers with a format that has a bit of a twist to it but still would be considered by most to be the come from behind singing competitive reality show offering, at least compared to X Factor.

Instead I read that The Voice, by premiering ahead of X Factor and by offering many episodes in a week over the introductory period, has been forging ahead of X Factor in the ratings.

The four coaches have, as of this writing, chosen their protégés and I've got, for now, just a couple to watch for.

One of the odder contenders is Melanie Martinez. She definitely has one of the more unusual voices I've heard in all of the various singing competitions. She sports an unusual look as well, featuring big hair bows and somewhat childish outfits. But she's good and quite intriguing.

So many of these singing competitive reality shows are now filled with young people, age 16, even younger, as the older have already applied at the various other venues.

Alessandra Guercio is one such young woman, a mere 16 years old, but she has it al: a beautiful voice, a great look and a very definite stage presence.

Another young singer, this one male, to watch for is Avery Wilson, a 16 year old whose voice made me pause to listen.

One other standout is an older woman, Nicole Nelson. I doubt she'll win this thing as she's probably too old. No matter how noble the judges et al to these older contenders, they seldom win. But Nicole has a beautiful voice and she sang one of my favorite songs for her audition., "Hallelujah".

Still I point her out as one to watch and I'd be delighted if she were to win this thing.

We're following The Voice so come back to this Blog regularly and see what we think and you never know, we may have some fine snark we'll be serving up.

Below all posts on this Blog on this subject:

The Voice 2012 Begins: It's Not DUETS, It's Not American Idol, It's Not X Factor. It's THE VOICE. But is it any good?

Tuesdays NBC at 8 pm/7c. Check listings as times vary

Click here to go to this Blog's main menu and see what other TV series we're covering.

Pat Fish's Blog

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Survivor Philippines: Child Stars and Just Plain Children Dot This Survivor Series

It's Leading Up to Fashion Week on Project Runway 2012. Will Christopher Take the Crown?

The Voice 2012 Teams Formed and Competing. Let's Take a Look and Predict.

A Look Back at the Gardens of Serendipity Shore-2012


Project Runway 2012 Down to Final Five; Serious Predictions; Serious Snark

Boot Camp Begins on X Factor 2012. Some Predictions and Some Snark.

True Crime Update: Murder, Mayhem, and Imelda Marcos' Shoes!

Finding Nemo 3D-An Old Favorite Dusted Off and Dolled Up

Emmys 2012-A Little Late But We Got a Fashion Report and Some Snark, As Expected

Dancing With the Stars All Stars 2012 Begins and It's Great; Some Predictions and Snark.

Project Runway 2012-One Drama Queen Heads Home; Another Returns With More Boo Hoos

Judging by the First Episode of Survivor 2012-We've Got a Winner

Book review-"Elizabeth the Queen-The Life of a Modern Monarch" by Sally Bedell Smith

Obama/Romney Debates Coming Up. What to Watch For. More National Politics.

The Voice 2012 Begins: It's Not DUETS, It's Not American Idol, It's Not X Factor. It's THE VOICE. But is it any good?


Pic of the Week Compilation September 2012

Miscellany-Household Hints, A Look Back, Humor and Much More

Big Brother 2012: We Discuss the Winner, Muse on Future Contenders, and While At It We Ponder the Universe.


America's Got Talent 2012-It's Official! The Dog Act Wins! Check Out My Accurate Predictions


X Factor 2012-A First Look. Britney Spears As a Judge? Let's Discuss.

True Crime -Drew Peterson summary,FRC Shooter, Fed Employees and Their Crimes, Cop Shoots Dad of Daughter He Hit With Motorcycle; Much More

Big Brother 2012 Heads to the Jury. Speculation and Predictions here


Taking a Look at Bachelor Pad 2012's Season End. Will This Show Beat Out "Big Brother"? The Winner! Guest Writer Michelle Deals With Water Ghost.


There's Really Something Odd About Joshua, His Sudden Return, and Now He's One of the Top 2 on MasterChef 2012?


Project Runway 2012-Who's "Liked", Who's Not, Designer Critiques With Some Snark

America's Got Talent 2012 Top Six Prepare for Showdown

"2016: Obama's America"-A Review and the Biggest Failure of All

Bachelor Pad 2012-Three Couples Left and a Bunch of Neurotics They Are

America's Got Talent 2012 Now Roaring Towards the Finals; A More Diverse Field of Talent As Never Before Found Across the Fruited Plains


Big Brother Season 2012 One of the Best Yet. How Long Can Frank Hold Out?

Love Blooms in the Bachelor Pad 2012. Let's Discuss Who Will Last and Who's Fake.

Delaware Primaries Coming Up; Let's Take a Look at Some of the Local Races

Project Runway 2012-Taking a Up Close Look At the Contenders Now That the Dust Has Settled

Republican Convention 2012, Isaac, Akin, National Politics, Comments, Opinions, Snark


Big Brother 2012 Rocks On. "Coaches" Now Contenders, One Evicted.More

MasterChef 2012 Roars Ahead. Can Becky Pull It Off? Guest Michelle Update on Dog and Loving Husband

America's Got Talent" 2012 Heads to a Winner. Let's Catch Up.

Project Runway 2012-Ven's Got This Thing Wrapped Up Even So Early As This

Bachelor Pad 2012-All Over the Place. Fans Competing? What's With Jillian's Ed? Why All the Love for Emily's Chris?


Book:"A Love That Multiplies" by Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar. They're to be Admired but Most Humans Won't Measure Up.


MasterChief 2012-She's Baaaaaaaack! Paula Deen, She's Always There! Another Contender Returns...Then Leaves...Updates and Predictions

Let's Take a Look, and Snark a Bit, Over this Dancing With Stars All Star Edition

Wrapping Up 2012's Design Star, Food Network Star, Bachelorette, Duets and Love In the Wild. Insights into the Good, the Bad and the Ugly.

Big Brother 2012-Starting to Rev Up, Who's Looking Like a Winner This BB Series

Ice Age-Continental Drift-Pro Forma Perhaps, but Still a Delight for Children and Weary Parents

Book Review- "Portrait of a Monster"-Joran Van Der Sloot, a Murder in Peru, and the Natalee Holloway Mystery-This Kid Should Have Been Jailed Long Ago. What the Heck Was Aruba Thinking?

National Politics 2012 :"You Didn't Do That", Romney's So-Called Olympic Gaffe, Zimmerman's Interview, MORE

TLC's "4 Houses"...A Great Concept, A Great Show