
Oh my goodness how did we get this far into the season without a so-called "avant-garde" look?
Every fashion show features such an episode on some level or another.
I consider avant-garde to mean "wild and way out stuff you only see on a runway".
Now I know fashion mavens would tell you that the fashion-design world NEEDS avant-garde, that the genre inspires future outfits, that it’s the infusion of fresh ideas and looks that keeps the industry vibrant and dynamic.
The series now has four left after the avant garde elimination of Sonjia, a good designer who deserves to still be in the competition while Fabio should be hot-footing it outta there.
Below is Fabio's horrible avant garde design. The hoot and holler of this outfit is that the top of this outfit can be turned around and worn another way.
So okay, that's clever.
But look at it! It's an ugly thing even a witch wouldn't wear!
Below is Sonjia's avant garde outfit. Heidi loved it but the other judges not so much. The concept is to make the model appear to be wearing bits and pieces of the outfit at the top with a mermaid type skirt bottom.
Well hey, it's avant garde all right. I think it's very original and in perfect sync with the fashion challenged as thrown down.
But they sent cute Sonjia home, they said she was "out".
Dmitri's been fairly steady all along and he's got a chance to win this thing. Below Dmitri's contribution to the avant garde challenge and by me it looks fairly average save that big collar. Which does, I suppose, give the suit-type of outfit a fashion edge. Dmitri deserves to go on to fashion week but I think Christopher will beat him out.
As for Christopher, he's the winner of this Project Runway 2012 as I see it.
Christopher was lambasted by the judges for his avant garde fashion entry, below.
I think it's definitely got a Gothic type of look to it. The arm feathers are very different and add a flair to the outfit. Christopher felt that by making the dresses' hip area large also made it look avant garde. The judges, however, mocked it as excessive. This confuses me because avant garde...come on, it's supposed to be weird.
Christopher didn't get sent home and I consider him hands down a shoo in to win this thing. His designs have been steady and many were winners.
Finally there's Melissa's design. Heidi hated it. The rest of the judges loved it.
I don't much like it but it IS about as avante garde as all the submitted designs. Melissa too deserves to go on to fashion week. She is, by my prognostication, the most vulnerable to elimination as Melissa hasn't been winning all that many fashion challenges. I'd rather see Melissa over that awful Fabio but the judges don't listen to me.
Come back and join us for more commentary, snark and summation of the fashion week soon to cull the good from the bad from the ugly.
Below all posts on this Blog on this subject.
Project Runway 2012 Begins. Some Kooky, Some With Leopard Hair. Already a Predicted Winner; Guest Michelle Deals With Beloved Dog
Project Runway 2012-Ven's Got This Thing Wrapped Up Even So Early As This
Project Runway 2012-Taking a Up Close Look At the Contenders Now That the Dust Has Settled
Project Runway 2012-Who's "Liked", Who's Not, Designer Critiques With Some Snark
Project Runway airs on Lifetime on Thursdays at 9pm.
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