I am so ready for Kirstie Alley to be sent home I could scream.
Sabrina, once again, got the short shrift, being sent home way before her time.
Not that I expect Sabrina to have won DWS All Stars 2012-, but I got a bridge to sell anybody who thinks Kirstie will win.
Hell, I got a bridge to sell anybody thinks Kirstie is a better dancer than Sabrina.
I do quite understand that the voters decide who goes and who stays but don't mean I can't moan about it.
Further, I have no particular love to Sabrina or animosity toward Kirstie.
Well okay, that sullen air of hers is not cute. Oh, and her hot/cold relationship with her celebrity dance partner, Maks is it?-gets old after a while. If the guy gives her the creepazoids she should change partners. She sure didn't have to choose the same partner for the All Stars edition.
But then, I dunno, maybe she did.
I also do not think Sabrina would have won this thing but she's sure a better dancer than sullen Kirstie Alley.
As for who I DO think will win this thing, my first choice was, and still is, Emmitt Smith.
I'd have denied that she who was rejected on national TV, Melissa Rycroft, would have a chance but I'd have been denying a possibility. As of this point in the competition I'd suggest that Rycroft was one of the best female contenders.

And there's the very handsome Gilles Marini, of course. If being handsome won dance contests Gilles would have so many mirror balls he'd have to give me some.
The dances for the DWS All Star edition are interesting and varied.
Below all posts on this Blog on this subject
Let's Take a Look, and Snark a Bit, Over this Dancing With Stars All Star Edition
Dancing With the Stars All Stars 2012 Begins and It's Great; Some Predictions and Snark.
"Dancing With the Stars All Stars Continues to Provide Splendid Fall Entertainment. Dance Critiques and Some Snark.
Dancing With the Stars-All Stars airs on ABC on Monday nights-check listings for times
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