21 Kasım 2012 Çarşamba

Pat Fish's Blog

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TV Review-"Blue Bloods"-A Vehicle Perfect for Tom Selleck

Dance With Stars 2012 All Stars-Sabrina Sent Home Same As Before! Please Let Kirstie Be Next.

Two Good Things, and It's a Stretch, About the Re-Election of President Obama

"The Emperor of Ocean Park" by Stephen L. Carter'-Being a Conservative Black Man in America

Survivor Philippines Heads to Finale. Predictions, Observations, Snark

Amazing Race 2012 Begins to Heat Up With Predictions Possible. So We Made Some.

X Factor 2012 Revved Up With Victors Visible. Let's Make Predictions and Dish Up Some Snark

The Voice 2012-Stealing and Competing and It Becomes Quite a Hit and Quite Entertaining

Prepare to Laugh at this Compilation of Pics of the Week for October 2012

True Crime Updates on Mexican Murder, Sandusky, Stupid Criminals, Much More

Dancing With the Stars All Stars Continues to Provide Splendid Fall Entertainment. Dance Critiques and Some Snark.


Fashion Week and Project Runway and Surviving Design Contenders on Project Runway 2012

TLC's "Secret Princes" a Surprise and Hilarious Show With a Unique Premise.

The 2012 National Elections: Debates, Decisions, Deadline to the Election. Updates, Predictions and Prognostications

Grey's Anatomy Roars Back in 2012 After a Devastating Plane Crash. Review.

"Scandal"-It's Got Politics and Drama and Good, Bad, and Really Ugly People. I love it.

Amazing Race 2012-It's an Emmy Winner So I Watched It. Thoughts and Predictions.

Survivor Philippines: Child Stars and Just Plain Children Dot This Survivor Series

It's Leading Up to Fashion Week on Project Runway 2012. Will Christopher Take the Crown?

The Voice 2012 Teams Formed and Competing. Let's Take a Look and Predict.

A Look Back at the Gardens of Serendipity Shore-2012


Project Runway 2012 Down to Final Five; Serious Predictions; Serious Snark

Boot Camp Begins on X Factor 2012. Some Predictions and Some Snark.

True Crime Update: Murder, Mayhem, and Imelda Marcos' Shoes!

Finding Nemo 3D-An Old Favorite Dusted Off and Dolled Up

Emmys 2012-A Little Late But We Got a Fashion Report and Some Snark, As Expected

Dancing With the Stars All Stars 2012 Begins and It's Great; Some Predictions and Snark.

Project Runway 2012-One Drama Queen Heads Home; Another Returns With More Boo Hoos

Judging by the First Episode of Survivor 2012-We've Got a Winner

Book review-"Elizabeth the Queen-The Life of a Modern Monarch" by Sally Bedell Smith

Obama/Romney Debates Coming Up. What to Watch For. More National Politics.

The Voice 2012 Begins: It's Not DUETS, It's Not American Idol, It's Not X Factor. It's THE VOICE. But is it any good?


Pic of the Week Compilation September 2012

Miscellany-Household Hints, A Look Back, Humor and Much More

Big Brother 2012: We Discuss the Winner, Muse on Future Contenders, and While At It We Ponder the Universe.


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