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Oh my goodness, precious young Ian won the 2012 Big Brother competition and a half of a million dollars.

I have quite enjoyed this summer's episodes of Big Brother. Indeed I note now that Survivor has followed this summer's Big Brother gimmick, which was to bring back notorious former contenders to "coach" the new crop of contenders.
I got to wonder what the hell was going on with Danielle. I simply do not believe that she is so stupid as to be so consistently fooled by Dan. Goodness she won Head of Household AND the Power of Veto right before the finale, dear Lord, Danielle should have won that thing!
Instead she takes Dan off the block with her Power of Veto, thus putting up Shane along with Ian. At which point Dan, the only one in the House eligible to vote, voted to boot Shane.
Danielle then acted very shocked but it was a ruse I suspect. In fact, when interviewed as part of the jury, Shane himself questioned Danielle's loyalty.
Danielle was then evicted by Ian, who became next Head of Household when genius Danielle supposedly blew the HOH contest on command by Dan.
Somewhere along the line Danielle got fooled. I suppose she thought Dan would win the final HOH and would then choose her to be part of the final two. Instead Ian won the HOH and chose Dan to join him for a vote by the jury.
Ian, wisely, figured he'd garner more jury votes than Dan. As Danielle later iterated, Ian told her that he'd never win the jury vote up against her. Thus he chose to run against Dan.
It was a wise strategy on Ian's part.

Dan would also have had a difficult time against Danielle too, I imagine. So Danielle's attempt to go to the final two with Dan was a good one.
She came off looking a bit dense but it was a good strategy.
As for Dan, he did play a great game. BUT….as smart as Dan was, or appeared to be, one of the beauties of Big Brother is that in the end the jury will decide who wins. If you've been a mean, deceitful somebody you'll not likely get votes. Dan was a mean, deceitful somebody. It made him ascend to the final two but Dan did not consider that jury and their power to un-do all that he had done by not voting for him.
Ian played a fabulous game.
Someday Ian will return to coach new contenders to the Big Brother House.
Below all the posts on this Blog on this subject:
"Big Brother" can be seen on CBS, Sunday and Wednesdays at 8 pm, Thursday nights, at 9pm
Big Brother 2012 Begins With, Of Course, Some Intriguing Twists. An Intro and Some Snark.
Big Brother 2012-Starting to Rev Up, Who's Looking Like a Winner This BB Series
Big Brother 2012 Rocks On. "Coaches" Now Contenders, One Evicted.
Big Brother Season 2012 One of the Best Yet. How Long Can Frank Hold Out?
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