23 Eylül 2012 Pazar

How Fantastic is This? The Project Runway recap

The chair hates Ven, too.

Seriously Project Runway? I missed Clint Eastwood talking toa frickin EMPTY CHAIR for this shit?
You’re dead to me.
 I mean, the reality TV gods are fickle beasts.Last week was a seminal, blockbuster, game-changing episodeof Project Runway. This week? Well, let me put it this way: No fanswere in danger of being hit with any shit.
In fact, as far as I could tell, the first half hour of theshow was basically just the designers standing around talking about how awesome Lord & Taylor is.
Eventually, things got a little more interesting as we gotinto a boys against the girls kinda thing.
A pop quiz, kids. Guess which of the designers said this:
“I think men are usually stronger designers while women area little more practical.”
Was it:a. Ven
b. Venc. Vend. Ven
If you guessed Ven, you’re right!
But it’s true, the women were a little, uh, flustered thisweek.
Elena demonstrating her backstabbing technique

Elena was spazzing out because she does designs that arecomplicated and high fashion and edgy and NOT for those slags who shop at Lord& Taylor (or somethin’).
Tim gives her awesome advice (redundant) and says: “Thinkabout a bridge line. Think about how to deliver Elena to a mass market.”
Then Gunnar comes over and comforts her. He tells her not tolet the judges see her sweat.“Don’t let them know you have a heart,” he cracks.“You’re so stupid!” she says, hugging him, which is about aslovey-dovey as Elena gets.
Melissa is also having a cow because she thinks she chosethe wrong fabric. They then leave us with a cliff-hangerish sneak peek beforegoing to the commercial break. “You’ve made a horrible mistake with the fabric,” says Tim, ominously.
Wait a second…maybe that fan DOES need a shit guard after all.
Come back from commercial and turns out, the ACTUAL quoteis: “You shouldn’t go into the judging thinking you’ve made a horrible mistakewith the fabric.”
Why you gotta play us like that, Project Runway?
(A question: Do the Project Runway producers think ourattention span is so short we’re going to turn the channel without acliffhanger at every commercial break?)
(Then again: Clint Eastwood. Empty Chair. Good move, PR producers. Good move.)
Sonjia is also freaking out, mostly because she foundherself in the bottom last week and is feeling a little vulnerable. More on herlater.
In a sea of little black cocktail dresses, Christopher isthe only one daring to do a floor-length gown. He’s also using his shreddingtechnique—again. But he feels, smartly, that this is his signature technique.And if he’s going to be part of the Project Runway collection at Lord &Taylor, he wants it to accurately reflect what he does.
This just in: Christopher is totally going to win ProjectRunway. I’m almost sure of it.He’s adorable, young, talented, and has that elusive qualityof “taste.” He’s basically Nina Garcia catnip. 
What a Nina Garcia sex dream looks like.

But Christopher is second guessing himself. “Everyone’s doing a little black cocktail dress,” heconfides to Ven. (Why would anyone confide anything to Ven? Ever?) “I’mconcerned they’re going to be like, Why did you do a gown?"Ven nods in a “good point” kind of way.

Speaking of Ven, you’ll never guess what’s happening on hisdress? A three-dimensional flower detailin the front. Holy shit, dude. Never saw that coming. (Dear Ven: This is ProjectRunway, not Project Origami.)
It’s fitting time and Sonjia starts weeping cause she can’tget her dress on her model. She’s literally immobilized with grief. And Elena (yes, Elena!) comes to her rescue and helps herfit her model. (Who knew?) (Off to vote for her for Fan Favorite!) (Justkidding…again.) (The mystery of Elena as fan favorite will soon stand alongside Big Foot and Chupacabra.)
Guest judge is Bonnie Brooks from Lord & Taylor.Heidi inexplicably chose to wear this:
"I question her taste level" - me

Down the runway they come, all lookin’ pretty good, to behonest. Gunnar and Fabio make curious hand gestures.

Submitted without comment.

And Dmitry, Ven, and Sonjia are all. . .safe! Dmitry and Ven are both pissed, cause they think they’re Top3 material (for a change.) Sonjia is relieved beyond belief.
They being speculating as to who is in the Top 3:
“Fabio, Chris, and…who’s the other guy?” Ven says.“Gunnar,” Dmitry says.
Okay, this is a world of wrong in so many ways I don’t knowwhere to begin.First, he forgot Gunnar’s name? The guy’s name is GunnarDeatherage, for God's sake, not Bob Smith. It’s kinda catchy!Also, Ven obviously doesn’t even remember what this what’s-his-name guydesigned and yet he STILL picks him to beat out the women?Sexist. Pig. 

Turns out they mixed things up a bit this week and there are4 designers on top and two on the bottom. They go down the line:
Fabio: On top! He has designed a dress with a “lot of legs.”Christopher: On top! “Tasteful and elegant.”Melissa: On top! “The right fabric on the right dress.” (Thesaga of that fabric deserved its own Lifetime movie: "Why Can't You Let Me Love You? A Fabric's Lament.")Gunnar: On the bottom! “I’ve seen this dress. I don’t needto see it again.”
Elena: On top! “Nice balance of art and commerce”

Upon hearing that she’s on top, Elena completely breaks down, which is onlynoteworthy because Heidi seems actively AMUSED by Elena’s tears. “You seem to be surprised,” she says, ironically, as Elenaconvulsively weeps before her. “Why? You struggled with this challenge? Youweren’t expecting this?”Oh Heidi, don’t change.
Heidi is unmoved

Anyway, poor Alicia has done the math. She’s on bottom. Butfirst she has to defend her dress, which she does in the diffident, bummed outmanner of someone who knows they’re screwed. “You were one of the judges least favorites,” Heidi informsher, relishing the moment.“It’s a field hockey uniform,” says Michael Kors.
Now, deliberation time. And Christopher wins!
So it’s down to Gunnar and Alicia. 
Extra big gap because 4 on-top designers were between them

Let me say this: If I could’ve paused the show at thatmoment and called my bookie, I would’ve put my life savings (all threefigures!) on Gunnar being safe. I mean, I knew Alicia was going home. You knew Alicia wasgoing home. Alicia knew Alicia was going home.It was a mere technicality at this point.
“Alicia, you are…SAFE,” Heidi says.What the…?
Alicia goes to the greenroom and you can tell that everyoneis trying to be nice to her, while secretly bummed and shocked that Gunnar isgetting the boot.
But not to worry, kids: Heidi has one last trick up hersleeve.“Gunnar, you are also safe,” she says.
Squee! Rejoice! Happy dance!
Laughing at us for thinking Gunnar was going home

“How fantastic is this?” gushes Tim. “How happy iseverybody?”
Or, as Gunnar puts it: “I would’ve liked for it to have beenknocked down one designer. But since I’m the one who would’ve gone home, I’mreally stoked that we still have nine. At least for today.”
Next week: Team Challenge! And Dmelena is paired up! (Ah, let the lustful hate sparksfly!)And Sonjia’s whack headband reappears!Something tells me this bland week was an outlier.
Now, off to watch Dirty Harry make an empty chair’s day.

Chair photo courtesy www.newyorker.com

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